Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dude, look at this really awesome snail! I would have eaten him if i knew what he'd been eating. He was huge - his shell was about three inches long! Maybe I'll raise snails and eat them.

Yesterday I saw a Beautiful Sunbird (that's the species name). You should look up a picture of the species because they're really exceptional. Yes I know most of you are too lazy to do that, so here's a link.

I'll write more tomorrow but for now, I hope everyone's having a good day and know that I'm well and I'll write something of more substance later.


Katherine Crocker said...

I wonder how you go about killing them. Maybe drown them in EtOH? If you did raise them and eat them (don't they feed 'em cornmeal? Would millet work?), you could probably sell the shells to tourists.

At least, here, people sell all kinds of weird things to los gringos.

budtuck said...

The sunbird link was blocked for us but we Googled 'African Sunbird' and got a beautiful picture - quite stunning colors.