Monday, April 2, 2007

I'm formally in now.

Forgot to mention: today I called my placement officer and formally accepted the invitation to serve in the Peace Corps in Burkina Faso.

She was very nice and said that if she could pick anywhere to live in Africa, it would be Burkina Faso. Now no offense to Burkina Faso; hell I haven't even been there yet, but I had to ask her if she was serious. She said she was and said she found it to be a much awesomer place to be than several other African countries that remained unnamed.

Go figure.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Woo-hooo! Burkina Faso: highest per capita (among PCVs) diherrea rate, third poorest country, and general favorite vacation home among placement officers.

Seriously, though--that's awesome!