Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Just Wait

If you wait, it will come,
whatever is good for you --
young wings of gulls past
your windows, the darkness
quietly closing its doors
at dawn, breezes across
your face like songs. You
have to wait. All
it takes is being still,
so thoughts can blossom
as they should, so words
can come back home. Just

wait, the way a flame
inside a candle waits.

- Ham Salsich

Found this poem while cleaning out my desk today at my mom's house. Found all sorts of things from the ol' Pine Point days. Salsich used to write poems every morning and this was one of them. He was my English teacher. I still have his cat. His name is Luke and he runs this house.

1 comment:

Katherine Crocker said...

I'm jealous. I want an English teacher who writes poems. No fair!